Only the Pretty Lesbians Go to Heaven
The visceral and spectacular body is on full, lush display in Cari Elizabeth Moll’s Only the Pretty Lesbians Go to Heaven, where carnality and spiritual connection are two sides of the same weathered coin. Working in a landscape riddled with dead crystal babies, green solo cups, and shooting ranges, Moll writes in the vernacular we might imagine a modern day Emily Dickinson having; while Dickinson’s speaker talks of her life as as loaded gun, Moll’s speaker is the gun: shooting to kill those who have harmed her and defend those who have pleasured her. Darkly humorous, righteously feral, yet quietly devastating, Cari Elizabeth Moll encourages her reader to pursue divinity as its own kind of defiance: “Jesus will come. I say, and so can we.”
- Kathryn Bratt-Pfotenhauer, author of Bad Animal & Small Geometries